After one full week of being back on the job...we're feelin' pretty good. Elise, being that she was once a systems architect and solution provider, has been making some mighty fine adjustments around here. Case in point: the L.L. Bean thermos. Since Mia needs her bottles SCALDING hot and she wants them, like, yesterday (this is one difference between the sisters. Bri lets you know by way of request. And Mia, by way of protest), it has been a challenge to have that bottle ready RIGHT when she wakes up. There's always been a good, solid 7 minute delay to prepare the bottle, warm the water, etc. Until, that is, Elise figured out the L.L. Bean thermos method. Yes, indeed. This thing can hold its heat. It's unbelievable. So, get this: we boil the water when we go to bed and then when Mia wakes up in the morning, we just add water and stir baby! It's a beautiful thing and makes you want to cry.
As for my contributions as of late, I hired some housecleaners called Partners in Grime, the man of action that I am.
Lastly, Mia is simply doing incredible. It is absolutely amazing to watch her make up for lost time, lost touch, lost food, and lost love. All of her medical tests
(which are too numerous to count) have come back negative and, developmentally, she is doing remarkably well. We just saw a physical therapist today to get a general assesment and the gal was really impressed with her physical strength and coordination. I don't want to say it's ALL because of our little daily strength and conditioning exercises we're doing together out in the garage, but they certainly aren't hurting.
Mia's throwing back her carrots and oatmeal like
Kobayashi and she now poops with the best of them (in a diaper, thankfully). She also crawls for speed and distance. My favorite moment to date was when I came home from work yesterday: she let out a high pitched squeal from the living room, dashed through the hall, peeled around the fridge and headed right for me. I bellyflopped onto the kitchen floor and she hugged me for dear life.