Our Journey to Mia Grace: Mia Crawls...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mia Crawls...

We have heard that many babies in an orphanage are able to crawl, but only the distance of the length of their crib. This is because that's the only terrain they've known. So when they are set on a carpet with lots of acreage to cover, they still will only crawl the two feet and stop. Unbelievably sad, huh.

Here's a video of Mia making up for lost time.

That's what I'm talking about.


Danielle said...

I do hope you continue to blog when you return home, Dan. The past 3 posts have just been exceptional. The Mia-Pu one might be my favorite though :)

Johnson County quesadillas anxiously await your return.

YvetteC said...

Big smile for the cute baby crawl video!!

Dan you are really a talented blogger. This is no travelogue blog, it's much more than that! No subject is taboo! I'm glad to hear you are sampling the local fare more. Did I mention that we also had the same CHI guide Elsie that helped with your constipation problem? She was great!

PS Have you any glycerin suppositories-- you need to try them on her use pediatric size, surely someone in your group has some to help ease the poop out! Or, there is a store near the White Swan that has a whole bunch of baby medicines left behind by other adoptive parents. They are in the back room. on a shelf and are free for the taking. I can't remember the name of it exactly but it was directly across from the exit from the WS, down that street on the left side about halfway down the first block (but it could be the second block) I was able to get some cortisone cream that way when I was there last year!

Stewart Family said...

I want to watch that over and over!

pam said...

maybe when you get her home she can chase the dogs---